Cow on a dodgy ledge, mob of sheep gone walkabout, a few awol deer? Fear not, help is only a call away with our specialised animal catcher, a long-line and one of our helicopters. We rescue all types of animals from wherever they might be and deliver them to where they outta be.
PHL Animal Rescue
If you have stranded animals stuck on a cliff face or in a gorge, give us a call. We can remove the risk and deliver your animal safely back to it’s paddock.

Stock Catcher
This system was designed by the CEO, Matt Newton for catching feral bulls. It has proven to be a very safe and efficient way to catch stranded animals.
If you have stranded stock due to falling into a gorge, stuck on a cliff or marooned by a flood for example, we can help. It’s low stress on the animal and surprisingly fast.
Ensure your animal in trouble is feed hay and water to keep its energy levels up, as we can only rescue animals that are able to stand.
PHL Cow Catcher in Action
Check out the video of our team in action saving a stranded cow
Need to catch that beast?
Now you know who to call next time you need an animal rescued.
Great, give us a buzz today!